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The Void on the Walls
The Disappearance of Art from Middle-Class Lives

Lorenzo Madaro In his day, Renato Guttuso was known (and recognised) even by blue-collar workers. But who among the public totally detached from active connection to the art of our time knows Francesco Vezzoli, or is familiar with the imaginary of any other successful Italian artist? What has happened to the graphic works by Bruno […]

Pedagogy in Artistic Practice
Una prospettiva sulla scena italiana contemporanea

Francesca Guerisoli Today, it is evident that pedagogy has become a factor in numerous works by Italian artists, as part of their process of conceiving, creating and formalising their projects. Generally, artists are engaged in community-based practices. But rather fewer are those artists for whom, in a systematic sense, the pedagogical project is an integral […]

The Ways of Art Are Infinite

Giacinto Di Pietrantonio In alphabetical order: Giovanni Anselmo, Stefano Arienti, Gianfranco Baruchello, Jacopo Benassi, Alighiero Boetti, Alberto Burri, Maurizio Cattelan, Giuseppe Chiari, Enzo Cucchi, Dadamaino, Nicola De Maria, Luciano Fabro, Flavio Favelli, Pinot Gallizio, Giorgio Griffa, Goldschmied & Chiari, Ketty La Rocca, Piero Manzoni, Mario Merz, Luigi Ontani, Vettor Pisani, Cesare Pietroiusti, Luca Rossi, Salvo. […]

Art, Research, Education
A New Synergy

Valentino Catricalà, Alessio Tozzi When we talk about the education system, we have to get to grips with a very broad theme which allows us to take several possible paths, bringing together multiple discourses, theories and models. These paths have long been explored by scholars and critics. So, in this text our concern is not […]

Twenty Years of Visual Cultures and Curatorial Studies
A Perspective on the Formation of Professional Roles in the Art System

Over the past two decades, the art system has embraced, and indeed fostered, an increasingly pronounced bipolarity: that of the artist-curator. Despite the emergence of a greater focus on a horizontal process of artistic creation (as in the last edition of Documenta) and the realisation that multiple professionals participate in the chorus-like development of complex […]

Learning to Teach Visual Art
A Journey into the Horizon of a Complex System

Is making art something that can be taught? Many say no. There is proof aplenty of this among Italian artists, if we consider how many autodidacts there are in the visual arts sector even in this country alone: from Alberto Burri to Giuseppe Capogrossi and Cesare Pietroiusti, all of whom trained as medical doctors, to […]

Towards the Future
Some Reflections on the Role of University Education and Contemporary Art

For more than a year and a half, the Fondazione Quadriennale di Roma has been promoting the Inter-University Network project, which is designed to foster exchanges between the academic world and the contemporary art scene. The project considers professors, researchers and students as its privileged interlocutors, and it already has a diverse record of activities. […]

Studies on Colonialism and the Visual Arts
Notes for a Work in Progress

ForewordStudies on Italian colonialism are today one of the most active areas of reflection in contemporary research, with increased collaboration between the academic and institutional spheres and the visual arts. This especially has to do with artists connected to research-based practices, who have been working almost in parallel to scholars, repeatedly bringing together both the […]